Italian Easter Bread: Giusti Redefines A Classic
The leavened Easter cake is a great classic all over Italy. Giusti Balsamic version of the famous Colomba caught Forbes' attention. Here's an extract of the article published on forbes.com
MARCH 14, 2023
"On Easter Day, you’re likely to find Colomba Easter Bread (Colomba Pasquale) all over Italy, from north to south. [...]
The dove-shaped breads, traditionally enjoyed at Easter Sunday dinners at home, are also served in restaurants. In the Christian tradition, the bread is flanked by an egg, representing the Resurrection, and is considered a symbol of hope.
In different regions, bakers add local ingredients—such as pistachio, limoncello liquor, and chocolate—to the dough of the sweet breads.
But one of the most unique and thoroughly modern versions of this classic delicacy, Giusti Colomba, comes from a partnership between two innovative Italian food producers, both with long family legacies."

“Growing up in Emilia Romagna, our family always opened up a Colomba at Easter and then we continued eating the rest every day for breakfast until it was gone,” says Giusti.
“My uncle Guiseppe, Zio Beppe, always added a scoop of ice cream on top with some super old balsamic vinegar,” he says. That’s how I got the idea to incorporate vinegar into the Easter bread recipe.
Read the full article here.
Shop our Colomba* and enjoy a Balsamic Easter!
*availability subject to time of year