Giusti joins The Hénokiens
Geneva, September 29th, 2023
Acetaia Giusti has become a member of the prestigious international association Les Hénokiens, founded in France to gather and support bicentenary family companies globally.
The proclamation took place during the Annual Meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland. Representing the company was the owner and CEO, Claudio Stefani Giusti, the 17th generation of the most ancient family of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena makers.

With over 400 years of Modenese tradition and a fascinating historical past, Acetaia Giusti rightfully joins the ranks of centuries-old family companies worldwide.
Click here to view Acetaia Giusti's profile on the official website of Les Hénokiens.
By becoming a member of The Hénokiens, the Modenese company intends to proudly and confidently embrace the Association’s motto: 'Inscrire la famille et le travail de l'homme dans la durée jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne une culture,' which means 'Situate the family and the man’s work in time until they become a culture.'
Founded in France in 1981, The Hénokiens now boasts 56 members, including 14 Italian companies, 16 French ones, and 10 Japanese ones. They are united by a common spirit of collaboration and mutual esteem.
This rigorous and historic French association promotes shared cornerstones passed down from one generation to the next, including respect for quality and human resources, as well as adaptability. These principles are demonstrated by some of the oldest and most competent companies in the world.
It is a precious acknowledgment of values that we, at Giusti, have celebrated and promoted since 1605: tradition, loyalty, excellence, and passion.